#005 – Alice Schillaci

#005 – Alice Schillaci


Issue #005 — HUNGER 飢え

The current state of our society is branded with hunger. We don’t want comfort. We want to live, we want poetry, we want real danger, we want freedom, we want to rebel, we want goodness, we want sin and we want salvation. We are never satisfied.

Deep inside however we know that true happiness is to enjoy the present, without anxious dependence upon the future, not to amuse ourselves with either hopes or fears but to rest satisfied with what we have. The greatest blessings of mankind in fact are within us and within our reach. Socrates told us centuries ago that “He who is not contented with what he has, would not be contented with what he would like to have.” Yet, the hunger of an artist is infinite.

With this issue of Whitelies Magazine we shed light on the topic of Hunger from all directions, the positive and the negative. Andreas Murkudis talks about the current retail landscape, French architect Odile Decq shows us the necessity of a hungry young generation, Frédéric Malle talks about scents and poetry and Austrian action artist Hermann Nitsch explains the concepts of construction and demolition. We see red. Stay hungry.

Nina Hoss, Andreas Murkudis, Balenciaga, Anne Sofie Madsen, Odile Decq, Hermann Nitsch, Frédéric Malle, Carly Mark, Brad Elterman, Sunflower Bean, Adrienne Jüliger, Scott Treleaven, Tom de Peyret, Leo Gabin, Marius Uhlig and many more

photographed by Alice Schillaci

Language: English
Pages: 224
Size: 22 cm x 29 cm
Printed in Germany
ISSN: 2363-8745


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