Alex Huanfa Cheng — Chinese Wonderland


I was born in a rural area of Hubei, China, and I’m now living in Paris. Every time I return to China, I’m struck by how fast it is changing. In these decades, the average income has increased. The rural areas have rose out poverty, it shows on the internet. Under the philosophy of pragmatism, China’s landscapes turned surreal, as illusions. Even the daily life seems unreal. I try to capture the views and portraits of this era and make a visual archive of China.


I traveled in different regions and tried to capture portraits, expressions, postures, and styles of ordinary people, from a wide range of age, educational background and economic conditions. I approach them without preconceived ideas, I try to show their authentic character and particularity. Most photographed people were in leisure activities. Fashion reflects the mainstream culture of this era. People in the “Chinese Dream” dress in colorful clothes and they look lively and funny, which makes China fascinating. But one world, not one dream, and some contradictions of the society and irrational things are captured during the project. China is full of complexity.

The Chinese writer -- Yuhua’s words, inspired me: some believe that dignity is found in wealth and prosperity — in the forms of forests of high rises, cobwebs of highways and shops dazzling with luxuries. Others disagree. They believe dignity comes from inside, that it shows in people’s expressions, and has no connection to material wealth.

The project is still on going.


Photography & Words
Alex Huanfa Cheng